Capital market investments

Actively managing investments to enable long-term success

Investment philosophy

We are responsible for investing the liquid assets of the family members we manage in a professional and comprehensive manner. Our overriding goal is to preserve and increase the assets in the long term.
To achieve this, we pursue an active management approach and diversify across various asset classes and strategies. We rely on our in-house independent research and our models, we are academically orientated and continuously develop our investment process.

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Our investment process


Our Investment Committee regularly takes top-down decisions on the weighting of asset classes. This decision is based on a comprehensive technical and macroeconomic analysis of the global financial markets.


Various strategies are used to select investments within the asset classes. These are systematically quantitatively orientated.

Risk management

Risk management is carried out holistically at the level of allocation, selection and construction. This means that risks are taken into account both at overall portfolio level and for individual investments.

What sets us apart

Managing the investment process is a collective task for our team and responsibility is taken on jointly. Robust models and analyses form the framework for our decision-making. At the same time, we develop customised solutions and tools because our team combines academic expertise with many years of practical experience in asset management and has in-depth knowledge of programming. We are constantly expanding our expertise and skills. This ensures that the latest scientific findings and technical innovations are incorporated into our investment process.
Our portfolio is based on a broad investment universe that includes international equities, bonds, commodities, precious metals and liquid alternative investments as well as liquidity. We realise these investments mainly with individual securities and ETFs and supplement them with derivatives in a targeted manner. This diversified portfolio is geared towards the long term with the aim of achieving stable performance. At the same time, we have the crucial flexibility to adjust the portfolio to dynamic market conditions at short notice.

Your capital market experts

Carina Crosby

Senior Analyst

Dr. Arwed Ebner

Senior Quantitative Analyst

Dr. Christian Finke

Managing Director of Reimann Investors Asset Management GmbH

Stephanie Schlageter

Financial Writer and Communication

Alexander Spreer

Managing Director of Reimann Investors Asset Management GmbH

Our areas

Investor community

Invest your assets in the same way as the family members managed by Reimann Investors - and benefit from the same principles, due diligence obligations and cost advantages.

Direct Investments

In our direct investments, we focus on fast-growing technology companies in the Software-as-a-service (SaaS), Fintech and Ecomtech sectors.